Muscat, February 9 2021 – Dedicated to providing a safe working environment for all of its workers, Oman Oil Marketing Company’s (OOMCO) Health, Safety, Environment, Quality, Technical and Sustainable Development team is celebrating 25 million man-hours without Lost Time Injury (LTI), achieving a zero Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) in a 5-year period. It’s a significant milestone for the company, which, through its management and board of directors, maintains an uncompromising commitment to safety that is instilled across all of its operations.
Hilmi Al Salmi Assistant Manager HSE at OOMCO, said, “As a key player in the Sultanate’s oil and gas sector, we have a responsibility to ensure the safety of all our employees, contractors, and customers. Celebrating milestones such as this one is proof that we ‘walk the talk’ when it comes to safe working practices, and that the company’s strong health and safety culture is coming through even during a global pandemic. We are proud of our achievements in this field and thank our senior management, employees, contractors and customers for their unwavering support.”
Today, OOMCO’s HSEQ-T&SD philosophy comprises a series of global best practices and man-agement systems that have positioned it as a leader in the field. Underscoring the company’s values of safety, responsibility, innovation, customer-centricity, mutual support and employee engagement, the achievement is part of a long list of initiatives that have been organized to instill a culture of safety both within the workforce and out in the community. Renowned for sustaining a zero-harm work environment, it continues to entrench a health and safety culture among its employees and throughout its operations.