Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR )
OOMCO’s community investment strategy ensures that OOMCO’s financial, in-kind, and human resources are strategically utilized to maximize benefits for the community. OOMCO is looking to leverage its various resources and competencies to effectively support projects and initiatives that have a long-term and sustainable impact on the community. Our focus area covers community of quality of life enhancement, Environment, Education, Sport & Youth Development, SMEs Development.
Tmakon programme
Tmakon aims to build the capacity of Omani youth-led startups and small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The Tmakon training programme targets existing Omani owners of SMEs with a track record of good performance, potential entrepreneurs with unique business ideas, and emerging Omani startups with feasible project proposals. It also aims to enable participants to develop innovative thinking and other relevant skills to run a business successfully. People interested in participating in Tmakon can register through the Youth Center, which runs Tmakon with support from OOMCO.

The Experience Hub Programme
The Experience Hub Programme was launched in 2022 in close cooperation with the Oman Ministry of Labour and is in line with OOMCO’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy. The programme lasts one year and is available in a variety of streams, including Health, Safety and Environment, Marketing, Sales, Business Development, Corporate Affairs as well as Shop, Food and Services.
SME development is one of Oman Oil Marketing CSR strategy main pillars. Accordingly, Tasweik program was directed toward SME’s. Tasweik is mainly focusing on strengthen the branding arms of SMEs’. In collaboration with Al Raffd Fund, a competition to be held between Al Raffd beneficiaries under certain criteria and the winning projects will be granted OMR 8,000 each. The grant to be utilized on marketing the winning projects professionally.

At’a is a campaign to promote good spirit of giving as a value other than donations and money related deeds among the community members. Yet donations are part of giving but it is not the main that people at community supposed to focus on. The campaign stands on set of activities as described below:
- 10% of selected Ahlain shops sales to be donated as donation to one of the NGO’s in Oman
- Airing radio add to encourage community to apply giving as one of their values
- Interviewing some of the social media influencers to talk about giving and post the interviews in our account to insure the campaign best outreach
SQU Scholarship
As part of its commitment to create initiatives that enhance the capabilities of local talents, Oman Oil Marketing Company has signed an agreement with Sultan Qaboos University to sponsor three postgraduate students within the college of Economic and Political Science. The agreement signed for three years where the company would sponsor the tuition fee for three MBA students yearly.

Road Safety Awareness Village
Oman Oil Marketing Company and in collaboration with Oman Road Safety Association launched a Road Safety Awareness Village. As part of its efforts to spread vehicle safety awareness in local communities, Oman Oil Marketing designed a specific program to educate children on the best road safety policies. The aim is to raise awareness among children and their families on road safety and the importance of seatbelts.
Children are able to drive their own vehicles around a track within the 100-sqm-village and earn an Oman Oil Marketing Company road safety village driving license. They are briefed on road safety in general, emphasizing the importance of wearing seat belts, traffic lights, safe driving skills and other traffic rules before they drive the cars in the village.
Solar Lab
In collaborating with Nafath Renewable Energy Company, Oman Oil Marketing is offering Ministry of education four portable Solar Lab. the students who are going to visit the lab will be briefed on the importance of the renewable energy in general and solar power in particular. They will be able to see how sunlight is being used to generate electricity on reality.